Wednesday, November 16, 2011

West WIng Episode #2

1. Filibusters only happen in the Senate
2. A cloture ends the filibuster
3. If the Senator stops talking or sits down, that ends the filibuster
4. The Senator can talk about anything, even if it doesn't have to do with the bill
5. 60 votes are needed to decide on a bill
6. The longest filibuster was a little bit over 24 hours
7. The word "filibuster" comes from a dutch word
8. The person who has the floor can only pause if a question is asked

1. Why aren't there filibusters in the House?
2. How can someone stall the voting process in the House?
3. What rules must the other Senators follow while the filibuster is going on?
4. How often are filibusters used?
5. Are filibusters generally successful or unsuccessful?

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