Thursday, November 10, 2011

John Boehner

1. Boehner is a republican
2. He is the Speaker of The House
3. Represents Ohio's 8th Congressional District.
4. Boehner failed to cut a multi-trilliondollar deficit-reduction deal with President Obama.
5. Boehner’s Republicans have used the leverage of controlling a single chamber of Congress to slash $1 trillion from the budget over the next decade.
6. He has a reputation of always voting no
7. Thinks it's important to spend less money
8. His leadership frequently blows up in his face

1. How much power does he have over the House?
2. Has he had a negative or positive impact on the House?
3. How is the Speaker of the House chosen?
4. How much support does he have?
5. What could he do to be more successful?

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