Sunday, November 13, 2011

electoral college


1. California has the most electoral votes in the country 
2. Corbett and Pileggi raised a plan to get rid of Pennsylvania's electoral college system and implement a new one distributing the votes to the districts. 
3. Under the current system, the winner of the statewide popular vote receives all of the electoral votes from that state.
4. A new system was proposed 
5.Democrats have won Pennsylvania in the last five presidential elections
6. A secretive, nonprofit group called All Votes Matter has been pushing the electoral vote scheme since May
7. Republicans in Nebraska want to join the winner takes all system again
8. Reapportionment would benefit Democrats
9. Nebraska and Maine have already abandoned the winner-take-all system
10. In the new system, if a candidate wins a congressional district, he or she will receive one electoral college vote.


1. Why did Pennsylvania decide to propose this idea now?
2. What can Obama do to prevent it?
3. Would this negatively or positively affect the country?
4. Do most people agree or disagree with the new plan?
5. What would the reason be for making this change?

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