Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Issue of the Week: Illegal Immigration

What happens if illegal immigrants have children that were born in the US?
- I found that children who are born in the US are considered citizens even if their parents are not. If their parents are illegal immigrants, those families could be forced to part. The children could be placed in foster care. However, in some cases, if the children are lucky, they can live with another family member. 

How many illegal immigrants are currently living in the US?
- I found that, as of March 2010, there were approximately 11.2 million undocumented immigrants living in the US. This number has come down over the years because in March in 2007, there were about 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the US. Undocumented immigrants make up about 3.6% of the total US population.

Are there advantages or disadvantages to the economy when hiring an illegal immigrant?
- If an employer were to hire an illegal immigrant, he would have the advantage of money. He would not have to pay the illegal immigrant as much to work, and he would, therefore, be making more money. 

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