Sunday, November 20, 2011

How Birth Control And Abortion Became Politicized

1. The first birth control clinic opened in 1916
2. Condoms were created in the 1850's
3. The initial purpose was to control the size of families so they wouldn't become too large
4. Sanger was accussed of being an eugenist
5. The clinic was operated by Margaret Sanger
6. Sanger founded the American Birth Control League which allows doctors to talk about contraception
7. Roe v. Wade made abortion legal
8. Sanger's Birth Control League was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
9. In 1936, a federal appellate court removed contraception from the obscenity category
10. Condoms were very expensive

1. Why was it illegal to give out such information?
2. Why were condoms so expensive?
3. Are abortions still unsafe?
4. Were there a lot of abortions back then even though it was illegal?
5. Are there any forms of birth control that are still illegal today?
6. Is the decline in birth rates negatively or positively affecting our country?

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