Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is the US House too small?

1. The German Bundestad has 613 members
2. There were 65 members in 1789
3. The U.S.House population is 12.8% black and 14.4% Latino
4. The U.S. House of Representatives has had 435 members since 1911
5. The average U.S. congressional district now has 640,000 citizens, as opposed to about 200,000, which was the average in 1911

1. Why does it matter if our House is bigger or smaller?
2. Would it be better or worse if our House was bigger?
3. Is a smaller or bigger House more efficient?
4. Would the Senate be made bigger as well?
5. How many seats would we need to add?

In my opinion, it would be beneficial to the country if the House of Representatives was larger. We have such a diverse country, and since there are few representatives, not everyone can be well represented. Also, if there were more representatives, there would be more people's view points added, which could add a new and beneficial perspective. 

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