Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lost in Detention


1. About 400,000 immigrants were detained/deported this year.
2. 3 million immigrants have been put in detentions where they are kept until they are sent back to their originating country
3. ICE is the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
4. Less than 20% of illegal immigrants have been convicted of serious crimes
5. ICE has offices in all 50 states
6. ICE's goal is to get 400,000 illegal immigrants every year
7. The number of illegal immigrants found has increased during Obama's presidency
8. The Secure Communities program was set up to target and deport dangerous criminal immigrants
9. 36% of undocumented people that live in the U.S. have a family and lived in the U.S. for at least 11 years
10. 195,000 immigrants were removed from the US last year


1. Why do so many people come illegally?
2. How do other countries deal with the issue of illegal immigration?
3. Can people who were deported ever come back to the US as a citizen?
4. Can laws be made to protect children with illegal immigrants as parents?
5. Does anyone try to help illegal immigrants?

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