Sunday, October 30, 2011

West WIng Episode

8-10 Connections:

1. Executive Branch is appointing a new Supreme Court Justice, which shows checks and balances.
2. The Justice was selected instead of being voted on
3. They referenced Roe v. Wade, which is the court case that said the right to choose an abortion was protected by the Constitution.
4. The President chose someone from his party for the Supreme Court Justice
5. The Senate must approve the candidate
6. Marriage is an enumerated power
7. People have the right to privacy
8. People's history can cause controversy

5 Questions:

1. Is it common to ask a judge to retire?
2. How long does it take to find replacements?
3. Does a president ever not choose someone from his party?
4. Is it Constitutional to ask someone to resign?
5. Is having a moderate judge thought of as a bad thing?

1 comment:

  1. "Marriage is an enumerated power"

    Did you get this from the transcript I posted, or did you hear this? If from the transcript, it's a typo. Recall, enumerated powers come from Art 1 Sec 8 of the Const. Marriage is not mentioned. You are not the only one to say this though.
