Saturday, October 22, 2011

Health Care Post #2

     While researching the topic of healthcare I have come to the conclusion that people who are unemployed do deserve a system in which they are given health care. Everyone, no matter how much money they have, deserves access to health care. They should be able to afford health care when they really need it and deserve the chance to stay healthy. It may mean high taxes for everyone, but it would be worth it to keep the country healthy and award everyone the opportunity to have affordable health care. I do not think, however, that there should be a law requiring all US citizens to have health insurance. People who are simply lazy or just do not want health insurance can choose not to have it. Health insurance should not be required for everyone it should just be an option open to whoever wants to take it.

1 comment:

  1. Why would we pay higher taxes for health care if we didn't establish universal health care? If it is not a law to have health care then why pay the government extra money for health care? If we pay higher taxes then the money will end up paying for people who are lazy to get a job and pay for their own healthcare. How do we determine who can get healthcare through the government and who can't?
