Saturday, October 22, 2011

2000 Election Movie


1. Why does it take so long to recount the votes?
2. Why isn't there a close election in most election?
3. How close does an election have to be in order for there to be a recount?
4. Was it ever this close before this election?
5. Why wouldn't dimple chads be counted?
6. What is the butterfly ballot?
7.  Is this movie accurate?
8. If everything was recounted could AL Gore have actually won?


1. 20,000 voters were disqualified
2. Bush beat Gore by approximately 3%
3. Katharine Harris was the Secretary of State of Florida
4. Bush ended up winning Florida
5. The Supreme Court ruled to stop the recount 5-4
6. Florida has 25 electoral votes
7. Only a few counties were given recounts
8. The full recount would have taken more than six days to complete

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