Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Democracy in America


1. At first the national BAC limit for driving was 1.0
2. The BAC level got changed to .08
3. 40% of deaths on highways are because of drunk drivers
4. There are 3 different levels of government
5. All powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the state
6. The federal government can always out rule the state's government
7. South Carolina did not want to establish a law where a breathalyzer is needed
8. The number of single parents increased in the 1990's
9. Everyone must follow the endangered species act
10. States are in charge of their own welfare policies


1. Why was South Carolina against setting rules for DUI's?
2. Where did they come up with 1.0 BAC level?
3. Is nationalism decreasing with the increase of state power?
4. Will schools eventually be nationalized?
5. Which crimes are federal issues?
6. Why didn't Idaho want wolves to come in?
7. Why is Mississippi such a poor state?
8. Which States have good welfare systems?
9. Why does welfare differ between states?
10. Would education be better or worse if schools were nationalized?

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