Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Health Care Post #1

      One major issue in the United States right now is health care. The economy is suffering and many people are without jobs and, therefore, not enough money. They cannot afford health care because it is so expensive. This does not seem fair to me. No one can function or do what they need to in life if they are not healthy and doctors visits are vital components to staying healthy. However, without insurance, doctors visits can be very expensive. The people who cannot afford to pay for it are also probably unable to pay huge doctors bill. Therefore, they are left unable to pay for any kind of health treatments.
      One solution that is thrown around is the idea of insisting that everyone buy health insurance. This scenario seems very unfair to me as well. This is because health care would then be  government-funded. Doctors would be forced to cater to the schedules and necessities of the government rather than the patients. There would also be many more patients, resulting in less effort by the doctors since they would have so much less time to spend with each individual patient.
      Therefore, health insurance is currently a heated topic in the United States. It is not healthy to remain without insurance, as millions of US citizens are currently doing. However, requiring everyone to buy health insurance would only lead to less flexible time schedules and poor quality work. Also, if we had free health care, it would not actually be free.

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