Saturday, October 22, 2011

2000 Election Reading

5 Pre-Reading Questions:

1. Why were deadlines made that were so unrealistic?
2. How close does an election need to be in order to have a recount?
3. Have there been any other situations similar to this in the past?
4. How often do recounts happen?
5. Why wouldn't they change the deadline so the full recount could have happened?

5 Facts/ Details:

1. Florida uses different methods for collecting votes
2. The deadlines did not give enough time for all votes to be fully recounted
3. 20,000 voters were disqualified
4. The Supreme Court vote for stopping the recount was a 5-4 majority vote
5. Gore was only 4 votes short of the necessary 270 electoral votes

5 Post-Reading Questions:

1. Should they have continued the recount?
2. Was that the closest an election has ever been?
3. Do you think Al Gore could have won if the full recount was done?
4. How could the chaos have been avoided?
5. Are the voting systems in this country truly reliable?

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