Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top Secret America facts and questions


- How much money does Top Secret America actually cost?
- Why is it okay for information about these secrets to be on the internet now?
- How can the government get away with invading our privacy?
- Why was all the secrecy necessary?
- Why did we think there were weapons of mass destruction?
- What other secrets do the citizens of our country not know about?
- Are these secret missions really necessary or is there a better way to fight terrorists?
- How much time was there between 9/11 and when we went into war?
- Should the war be over with now that Osama Bin Laden is dead?


-Secrecy was a major part of government plans after 9/11
- They started planning for war immediately after 9/11
-A spelling error stopped the expensive and secret machinery from finding a terrorist
-3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attack of the twin towers
- Black sights are secret prisons that certain terrorists were put in
- There are 17,000 secret locations throughout the country
- The US attacked Iran in 2003
-The mission of NSA was to prevent any future terrorist attacks

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