Saturday, September 24, 2011


            For this assignment, I decided to interview my dad because he loves the topic of government and politics and is very opinionated about several political issues. I started off by asking whether or not he agrees with the constitution in that people should have the right to bear arms. He disagreed with the amendment by saying that, even though people have to go through a process to own a gun, it is still pretty easy and there are some people who definitely should not be able to own a gun. The main thing that my dad felt was very important was for the government to stay involved in people’s lives. Although some people think the government should let people be, my dad feels that people need order in their lives and if the government was not involved everything would be far too chaotic. Also, he believes that everyone should have equal rights, no matter how rich or poor someone is. He doesn’t think it’s fair for wealthier people to have more advantages than people without so much money. My dad is and has always been a democrat and always takes the time to vote. He thinks that we are very lucky to have the right to vote since many countries don’t, and that everyone should take advantage of the opportunity. 

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