Thursday, September 15, 2011

20 Questions

1. Since voting is so important, why doesn't everyone vote?
2. How much power is too much power?
3. Is there ever a time when everyone is happy with the people in government?
4. Since political decisions affect everyone, why are some people unwilling to pay attention to political candidates and issues?
5. Was the system better before the changes due to 9/11?
6. How is it decided who is qualified for an immigration visa and who isn't?
7. Do you think it's good that we have such diversity?
8. Do you think immigration positively affects the country?
9. Do you think it's good that there are now immigration restrictions on Arab countries since 9/11?
10. Are the restrictions on Arab countries necessary?
11. How much education does a person need to be considered educated?
12. Why do you think individual liberty is emphasized so much more than other government goals?
13. Do you think it's fair to force illegal immigrants to leave if they're not harming our country?
14. If the United States is a land of opportunity then why do so many people who are born poor stay poor?
15. Why do you think most people who are poor don't vote?
16. Why do you think poorer people who vote have more of a tendency to vote Democratic?
17. What was the Tinanmen Square Massacre?
18. What is the purpose of government?
19. Would the Founding Fathers be pleased with how the government is today?
20. Have more or less people voted as the years have progressed?

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, did you comment on two of your classmates' blogs? I only marked you for one.
