Monday, January 9, 2012

Constituent Letter

Dear Senator Casey,

    My name is Stephanie May. I am a Junior at Haverford High School and am currently taking an AP Government course. The reason I am writing to you is because of the bill S. 1500: Ensure Children Have Health Care Act. The bill is to give Americans access to affordable child-only health insurance coverage. I have been looking into this bill and I know that it is only in the first step of the legislative process. I also know that the majority of bills do not make it out of committee. I feel very strongly about this bill, however, and felt the need to voice my opinion about it. 
    Health Care is a major issue in our country right now that is very controversial. There has been a lot of debate about how to approach this issue and it is time something is done. Children are the future of America. Their health ensures their ability to learn, thrive, and eventually become great leaders who really help our country. If they happened to, unfortunately, become very sick, and their parents could not afford treatment for them, it could be terrible. They may never grow to be strong, influential leaders of our country or may be handicapped, giving them many disadvantages as they go through life. In addition, if they had affordable health care it could help their families save money for the health expenses of others in the family. 
    In my opinion, this bill would not create any problems and would be very beneficial to many families. With your help, I am hoping this bill can voted on and maybe eventually be passed to become a law. Thank you for reading this and considering my opinion. 

Stephanie May

1 comment:

  1. 1. You have a perfect Senator to Bill match! :) Great job!

    2. The readability is very clear and you had a wonderful introduction of yourself!

    3. Just the double "to to" in the one line needs to be fixed.

    4. Finally, you might want to add a line saying "Please vote for this bill!" or something along those lines. If you want a response, it is always good to include "I am waiting for your response." or something like that!

    Great letter!
