Monday, January 9, 2012

20 truths about the American political system

1. We only have two political parties (-)
2. Money is a major part of campaigning (-)
3. There are three branches that have checks and balances (+)
4. Citizens are given many freedoms (+)
5. Many voters are unaware on the candidate's positions on certain topics (-)
6. Candidates have access to the media to share their views with the country (+)
7. Candidates bash each other during campaigning (-)
8. We are given freedom of religion (+)
9. We are given freedom of speech (+)
10. There are state and local governments. (+)
11. Voters do not directly choose Presidents, electoral college is used (-)
12. Some people are only informed about candidates from television ads they see (-)
13. It takes many steps for a bill to become a law (0)
14. Congress decides on their own pay (0)
15. We have a bicameral legislation (+)
16. The candidate with more campaigning money has an advantage (-)
17. Not everyone votes (-)
18. Most media shows bias toward one particular party (-)
19. Candidates focus on some states more than others (-)
20. Politicians make promises during campaigning that can easily be broken when they are elected (-)

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