Thursday, December 8, 2011

Campaign Ad Analysis

1) The ad tries to frighten voters about the opposing candidate so they don't want to vote for them. I don't think this is very effective because it doesn't say why they should vote for anyone it just says why they shouldn't vote for the other person, but it doesn't make the other person seem that great.

2. Discussing beneficial education and the future of Children because most families really care about those issues. I thought this was effective because the future of children is an issue that many people care about. Many families are more compelled to vote for someone who will help their family. 

3.) The ad uses facts and statistics to support the candidate’s policies
It's not very effective because the statistics could be made up and it's not very persuasive. 

4. The ad insults the candidate’s opponent to convince voters not to vote for the opponent-
Not effective because some people do not believe these ads and it will just make the other candidate fight back with an insulting ad.

5. The ad makes uses cartoons to demonstrate the ideas.
This is effective because it really captures everyone's attention and makes every really listen.

6. Comparing the difference between the candidate's policies was effective because it informed viewers about the candidate's ideas so they would be better informed to vote. It's very effective because it's all true and viewers know that the information wasn't made up. 

1. When advertisements really inform viewers they are effective
2. If advertisements are extreme and sound made up people will not listen to them
3. Advertisements can be very persuasive when done right

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