Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2 Articles

http://www.taxpayer.net/resources.php?action=issues&proj_id=4832&category=National Security&type=Project
1. 1/6 of the $200 billion spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was lost to waste
2. Supplemental and Cost of War Execution Reports are documents that break down the cost of the war on terrorism 
3. On June 6, 2002, President George W. Bush unveiled his plan for a new Cabinet-level agency that would consolidate responsibilities and funding for nine different departments
4. The defense budget has more than doubled. 
5. DHS is the Department of Homeland Security

1. Since 1789, the federal government has provided tax subsidies to domestic coal suppliers in order to ensure the competitiveness of the industry
2. In the past 60 years, the coal industry has received more than $70 billion in subsidies and tax breaks
3. Coal prices have steadily increased since 2002
4. Prices of coal bought by electric utilities rose 38.6% from 2004-2009
5. Alpha Natural Resources has become the second largest coal supplier in the United States 

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